60-minute restorative flow for happy hips

My hips and I share a tumultuous relationship. I injured my right joint in middle school, probably paid no heed to proper treatment as it healed, and ever since experience recurrent episodes of debilitating pain and inhibited range of motion. I trained for the 2019 Big Sur Marathon on the elliptical, excepting the final month when my hip finally allowed me an 11-miler before race day.

No surprise, then, I embarked on a journey of mending my frayed companionship with my hip. Some of the trek involves strength training: this year I promised myself I’d lift more wisely by fixing form and balance before piling weight on. I lined much of my acceptance and growth path, however, with yoga mats. During my aforementioned running hiatus, I stepped away from the Power and Vinyasa Flow classes I so adored and tried out Yin, the joint-focused cousin of the more active (Yang) yoga styles. I adored it: the stillness, the targeted connective tissue work, the moments of introspection which allowed me greater peace with my temporary handicap and more determination to go about the rehab process correctly. Gentle and Restorative classes soon followed, filling my studio schedule.

Such a plot twist molded me not only as a yogi, but as a runner, too. I abandoned recovery far too often in exchange for my ego, and ego is yoga’s archrival. I started to value the mental and physical lightness of less strenuous flows. Now, as a budding teacher, I hope to cast these ideas out to the community of yogis new and experienced so maybe it can help them find tranquility in disarray.

Benefits of Restorative yoga practices:

  1. Anxiety reduction by calming the sympathetic nervous system
  2. Pain management
  3. Deepens inner connection to the present moment
  4. Lessens cortisol levels
  5. Releases deep muscle tension & improves flexibility
  6. Strengthens immunity
  7. Improves sleep

I developed this hip-based flow for a class I taught last month, which was largely occupied by fellow runners but also a few who’ve never practiced before (amazing!). The postures target numerous muscle groups, but the hips dominate. This one hour sequence – easily shortened or lengthened as needed – is perfect for all stretches of yogic life. I recommend soft music for background stimulation, but that’s certainly not necessary. I practice in silence much more than I practice with tunes.

I am not a doctor or licensed physician. Be sure to clear any new physical activity with a doctor before practicing.

Related: Yoga for a Hectic Day | Gentle Heart-Opening Flow

1. Integration: windshield wiper + long body stretch

Benefits: Knee movement balances spine and relieves lower back pressure, long body stretch prepares all muscles for further movement and loosens mild adhesions.

How-to: From supine position, inhale to reach arms overhead and extend legs to the bottom of the mat. Engage as many muscles as possible: point the toes and stretch the fingers from wrists, pull the shoulders from the ears, ground the tailbone into the mat. Exhale to plant feet beside one another about two handprints from glutes, heel-toe feet to outside edge of the mat, allow knees to fall together. Inhale to prepare, exhale to drop the knees first to the right, inhale to center, exhale drop the knees to the left; continue motion at breath’s natural pace.

2. Supine Twist

Benefits: Wrings digestive system, lengthens TFL and gluteus maximus muscles.

How-to: Extend legs long with feet near bottom of mat. Inhale to prepare, exhale to bring the right knee to the chest and clasp the hands below the knee or further down on the shin. Inhale, then exhale to drop the right knee to the left side of body until sensation is felt likely in the right hip and glute. Keep the right shoulder glued to earth, let the right arm relax or extend to a “T” away from body. Option to gaze over the left shoulder, or deepen twist and gaze over the right shoulder. Hold about five breaths or as desired. To unwind, inhale and use the strength of the right adductor muscles to bring the knee back to center; exhale and allow the right leg to meet left. Repeat on the left side.

3. Supine Figure 4

Benefits: Isolates piriformis muscle and stretches hamstrings.

How-to: Plant the feet beside one another, knees pointed up. Inhale and straighten the right knee and lift the leg upwards, exhale plant the right ankle on the left knee, wrap the fingers around left thigh and begin to lift the left leg towards the chest. Option to straighten the left leg skyward. Relax the shoulders from the ears and try to press the right knee away from the body to deepen the stretch. Hold for about five breaths. Exhale to release the right leg and allow both feet to plant. Windshield wiper legs to reset. Repeat on left side.

4. Easy Seat + Neck Rolls

Benefits: Decompresses tension in throat and back of neck, improves upright posture from cervical spine.

How-to: Find your way to a comfortable, cross-legged seated position. Inhale to lengthen the spine, exhale and drop the right ear to the right shoulder. Press shoulderblades together to widen the collarbones, press left hip towards centerline of body to square the hips, “zip” the lower belly to straighten the spine. Inhale to center, exhale drop the left shoulder to the left ear. Repeat alignment check on this side. Perform 3-5 more sets.

5. Deer

Benefits: Balances hips, stretches hamstrings, soothes low back discomfort.

How-to: From an easy cross-legged seat, swing the left leg behind the body so the left foot rests near glutes, and the right foot rests on on near the left thigh (visualize a sort of “Z” shape with legs). Inhale to straighten spine, fingertops soft against ground, exhale and hinge at the hips over right shin or right thigh until sensation is felt in back of hips. Rest on forearms or fold entirely with arms extended in front, option to rest on forehead or gaze over right shoulder for additional twist. Hold 5-8 breaths. If twisted, inhale to center, plant the hands in front of the body, exhale to press upright. Repeat on left side.

6. Shoelace

Benefits: Stretches lumbar spine, stimulates digestion, opens shoulders.

How-to: From easy cross-legged seat, unhook ankles and plant left foot flat with knee pointed upward. Gently bring right knee closer to midline of the body, right heel near left glute. Stack left leg on top of right, align knees as much as possible, left heel near right glute. Plant hands in front of body. Inhale to lengthen the spine, exhale and walk hands towards the front of the mat until sensation is felt, then round the upper back and let the head hang heavy between the arms. Hold for 5-8 breaths. When complete, inhale to center, exhale and walk the hands back towards the body until the spine straightens. Repeat on left side.

7. Cat-Cow

Benefits: Cat releases tension in the backs of shoulders and the low back; Cow opens chest, provides biceps and forearm stretch. Movement aids digestion, eases anxiety, and warms body.

How-to: From seated, find way to hands and knees for Tabletop: hands stacked below the shoulders, knees below the hips. Inhale to press the shoulderblades together, shift the heart forward, raise the chin upward only to an angle safe for the neck – this is Cow pose. Exhale for Cat: round the upper back, tuck the tailbone, drop the gaze to the belly. Repeat sequence for 3-5 breaths.

8. Tabletop w. Calf Stretch

Benefits: Improves balance, releases gastrocnemius, soleus and Achilles tendons, strengthens wrists and shoulders.

How-to: Start in Tabletop. Inhale to extend the right leg straight back. Plant ball of the foot against the ground, exhale to press the heel back while energizing the hands to maintain the wrists beneath shoulders and knees below hips. Option for stillness, or to rock the foot to and fro. Repeat on left side.

9. Low Lunge/Lizard

Benefits: Opens hip flexors and quadriceps, strengthens shoulders and forearms.

How-to: From Tabletop, inhale to lift and extend right leg behind the body, exhale and plant the right foot between the hands. Stay here for Low Lunge: you may come up onto fingertips or rest both hands on top of the right thigh to deepen the stretch – wherever you land, inhale to open the chest and drop the shoulders away from the ears. Ensure knee does not track over the ankle and engage adductor muscles to press knee towards pinky side of the foot. For Lizard Lunge, plant the right hand inside of the right foot and heel-toe the right foot towards the right edge of the mat. Option to stay on flat hands or drop to forearms. Hold for 3-5 breaths. To release from Lizard, heel-toe the right foot back towards the midline of the body and plant hands on both sides of the foo. Shift weight onto left shin, round the upper back, scoop right leg under the belly and return to Tabletop. Repeat on left side.

10. Seated Forward Fold

Benefits: Eases stress, anxiety, and dizziness, stretches hamstrings and calves.

How-to: From Tabletop, sit back on the heels and swing the legs around one side of the body. Extend legs towards the front of the mat, feet flexed or pointed. Inhale to lengthen the spine and raise the arms overhead, then exhale and hinge at the hips until sensation is felt in the hamstrings and possibly the calves. From here, rest hands on shins, ankles, feet, or on either side of the legs, round the upper back and hold for 5-8 breaths.

11. Seated Twist

Benefits: Increases flexibility in the spine, detoxifies the liver and kidneys, improves digestion, releases thoracic spine and oblique muscles.

How-to: Start with legs extended towards the front of the mat. Cross the right leg over the left, right foot flat against the ground on the outside of the left knee. Inhale and raise the arms overhead, then exhale to rotate the upper spine, plant the right hand behind the body, and press the left elbow against the outside of the right knee. Inhale to lengthen, and exhale to deepen the twist. Hold for 5-8 breaths. Repeat on left side.

12. Butterfly

Benefits: Releases piriformis and glute muscles to minimize sciatic pressure, stretches knees and groin, eases nausea and cramps, reduces anxiety.

How-to: From seated, bring the feet to touch and allow the soles to open like a book. Feet may be close to the body or further away depending on knee comfort. Inhale to reach the arms overhead, exhale to plant the hands and walk them forward until a gentle stretch is felt. Option to drop to the forearms, or lay the hands long and fold over the feet so the forehead touches the mat. Hold for 5-8 breaths. To release, inhale and walk the hands back towards the body.

13. Bridge

Benefits: Resets spine and eases back body tension, strengthens quadriceps and shoulder muscles, opens hip flexors.

How-to: Lie down on the back with feet planted about a handprint from the glutes. Arms may rest at the sides, palms face down. Inhale to press into the hands and lift glutes off the ground until the body forms a diagonal line from knees to shoulders. Ensure the quadriceps are engaged but the glutes relax. Hold for 3-5 breaths. Inhale to stand on the tiptoes, and exhale slowly release the spine to the floor, tailbone contacting the ground last. Repeat for two more rounds.

14. Happy Baby

Benefits: Relieves stress and fatigue, opens hips, releases tension in the sacrum (particularly with an introduction of a side-to-side rocking motion).

How-to: From a supine position, inhale to lift the legs straight up. Exhale bend the knees away from the midline and catch the outside edges of the feet with both hands. Root the sacrum to the mat. Option to rock from side to side. Hold for 8-10 breaths. To release, let go of the feet and allow the legs to drift gently to the floor.

15. Savasana

Benefits: Overall stress reliever, a place to find rest and absorb preceding practice.

How-to: Find the most comfortable lying position for your body. Legs may extend long, or feet plant against the mat with knees pointed up. Arms may rest beside the body, palms face up, or atop the belly or heartspace. Breathe naturally, close the eyes, and consciously relax every muscle until the body is heavy and melts into the earth.

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