gentle heart-opening flow

Emphasis on heart openers was no accident in my inaugural group yoga class. For one, I taught to a wonderful community of swimmers at Clearwater Beach, and to stroke powerfully in the water one must loosen up the shoulder girdle, the chest, the back body, the ribs. Really, everything, but particularly above the waist.

The benefits of this sequence, though, expand beyond performance in water. Anyone, athletically inclined or no, desires fuller breathing. Heart openers inspire such, as lifting and expanding the rib cage allow greater passage of air through the respiratory system. Beyond training, though, lies the simple truth of the human condition. We hunch, a fact of the century of our residence, particularly due to seated occupations and lack of attention to our upright posture. But we hunch from trauma, too, and stress, anxiety, or fatigue. Notice how disengaging the muscles and dumping into joints feels easier than opening and straightening? Over time, too, our bodies mimic the state of our inner selves. If one feels enclosed, frightened, or hesitates to trust, the shoulders stoop and collarbones round to protect the heart space.

Heart openers, over time, reverse the physical and emotional weights we, quite literally, pile onto our shoulders. These postures oppose the forward motion of deskwork. They energize and lighten. Combined with counter-stretches, our front and back bodies cooperate in realigning the spine. Muscles remember where to settle for proper postural support.

This sequence occupied 30 minutes, but can be shortened or lengthened to suit your individual practice. Move through the flow more quickly to build heat, or more slowly for a softer experience. No matter what: always, always breathe.

I am not a doctor or licensed physician. Clear all new exercise with a doctor before performing. My level of yoga practice may not match yours. Always modify or skip a pose if it causes sharp, stabbing pain or numbness, difficulty breathing, or any sign of distress and discomfort.

Related: Yoga Flow for a Hectic Day

1. Easy Seat

Benefits: Focus on breath, grounding meditation.

How to: Cross-legged is the most common form of Easy Seat, but legs extended or Hero pose – sitting on the heels with tops of feet pressed against the earth – are acceptable alternatives. Wherever you begin, ground the tailbone to straigthen the spine, drop the shoulders, rest the hands gently to either side of the body, on the knees, or in the lap.

2. Neck stretches

Benefits: Loosen sides of neck and tops of shoulders.

How to: Inhale to lengthen the spine, exhale and drop the right ear to the right shoulder. Press shoulderblades together to widen the collarbones, press left hip towards centerline of body to square the hips, “zip” the lower belly to straighten the spine. Inhale to center, exhale drop left shoulder to left ear. Repeat alignment check on this side. Perform 3-5 more sets.

3. Seated Cat-Cow

Benefits: Cat releases tension in the backs of shoulders and the low back; Cow opens chest, provides biceps and forearm stretch. Movement aids digestion, eases anxiety, and warms body.

How to: In easy seated position, inhale to press shoulderblades together, shift heart forward, raise chin upward only to an angle safe for the neck – this is Cow pose. Exhale for Cat: round the upper back, tuck the tailbone, drop the gaze to the belly. Repeat sequence for 3-5 breaths.

4. Spinal Twist (from Tabletop) + Thread the Needle

Benefits: Invites length in arms, twist aids with digestion and spinal mobility, opens lattisimus dorsi muscles and deltoids, mild hip and piriformis stretch.

How to: Take 2-3 rounds of Spinal Twist. From Tabletop – hands stacked under shoulders, knees stacked under hips – inhale right arm rises, hips square, core engaged. Exhale, right hand plants back in full tabletop. Inhale left arm to sky, exhale lower. Repeat 2-3 times. When Twist is complete, move to Thread the Needle. Inhale right arm rises, exhale thread right arm in the space between the left arm and the thighs. Rest on right shoulder, with right side of face on the ground. Left hand may plant by the face, extend toward the top of the mat, or half-bind with left hand resting on low back or top of right thigh. When ready, inhale to release the half-bind (if engaged). Plant left hand beside the face, inhale unwind from Needle and raise right arm upward. Exhale, right hand plants beside left for Tabletop. Repeat on left side.

5. Gentle Vinyasa

Benefits: “One breath, one movement” connection, warms entire body, builds strength for deeper inversions and balances, massages digestive organs and lubricates spine.

How to: Start in Tabletop, hands just forward of the shoulders (about one handprint). Inhale to slightly shift weight forward, exhale to lower onto the belly, flip the feet. Inhale press into hands to lift chest, shift shoulders away from ears, elbows snug against ribcage. Exhale to press back into Tabletop. From here, round the upper back, lower the heels to glutes, and tuck chin into chest for Child’s pose. Repeat 3-5 times.

6. Sun Salutation A

Benefits: Energizes, encourages total body lengthening, lowers cortisol, strengthens upper body, inversion reverses path of synovial fluid.

How to: Begin in Mountain pose. Grip the toes into the fabric, send energy up through the feet and into the legs. Tuck the tailbone and pull the navel towards the spine, lengthen the heart towards the front of the room. Arms straight at sides with the hands facing forward.

On an inhale sweep the arms to the side and up, gaze follows hands as they clasp overhead. Exhale, hinge at the hips, fold torso onto thighs, slight or full bend in the knees, hands touch the ground. Inhale bring hands to shins in a half-lift, straight spine, gaze forward. Exhale, plant the hands, step back into Plank pose. Energize through hands, pull the shoulders down and back, keep the spine neutral; if lower back sways, tuck the bellybutton into the back body and send the tailbone back. Option to lower onto forearms to relieve sensitive wrists. Inhale into the posture, exhale lower to the belly, let the elbows shave the ribcage. Kness may come to ground. Inhale flip the feet and lift into Cobra pose, or Upward Facing Dog with thighs, hips, and belly off the floor. Open the heart, reach the eyes towards the ceiling. Exhale, tuck the toes, send the hips up and back for Downward Facing Dog, or Dolphin pose if on the elbows.

Inhale, look towards the hands, bend the knees. Exhale, step towards the hands and fold forward. Inhale, lift halfway. Exhale, fold. Inhale, sweet arms forward and up, rise slowly to standing, head comes up last. Exhale clasp palms, and lower hands to heart center.

7. Calf Stretch & Hero with Toe Stretch

Benefits: Improves balance, releases gastrocnemius, soleus and Achilles tendons, strengthens wrists; Toe Stretch improves foot flexibility and mobility in toes and front of ankle.

How to: For Calf Stretch, start in Tabletop. Inhale to extend the right leg straight back. Plant ball of foot against the ground, exhale to press heel back while energizing the hands to maintain the wrists beneath shoulders and knees below hips. Option for stillness, or rock foot to and fro. Repeat on left side. Return to Tabletop, tuck the toes. Begin to walk hands towards the knees, halting when the toe stretch is felt. Hands may continue to walk up the thigh if such is available to the body, with the final rendition of the posture being an upright seated position on the toes.

8. Eagle Arms

Benefits: Improves shoulder and arm flexibility, opens upper back and throat.

How to: Start seated, or standing in Mountain pose. Inhale to prepare, exhale cross the right arm over the left in an “X” shape. First option: Grasp opposite shoulders with opposite hands. Second option: Raise forearms parallel to chest and press backs of forearms and backs of hands together. Third option: Complete the intertwine by clasping palms. Inhale to lift elbows away from chest and as close to parallel to shoulders as available. Round the upper back.

9. Hands Intertwined

Benefits: Opens heart, throat or back of neck, expands intercostal muscles, improves posture.

How to: Start seated comfortably. Inhale to prepare, exhale extend the arms behind and clasp the hands together at the low back. Inhale to press hands away from body, lengthen the arms and open the chest. Chin may rise in a gentle upward gaze, or lower chin towards the chest to release the back of the neck and shoulders.

10. Savasana (Corpse)

Benefits: Deep relaxation, breath returns to body, eases anxiety and allows all internal systems to rest and reset.

How to: Lie back comfortably. Legs may be fully extended, or feet planted and knees to the sky, or bottoms of feet pressed together for a supine Butterfly posture with the knees splayed to either side. Arms rest long beside the body, palms face up or down. Allow all muscles to rest, paying close attention to those in the jaw, brow, hands, and hips.

For those who benefit from a visual of the continuous flow, see the gallery following this passage.

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