pumpkin pie coffee creamer (vegan + dairy free)

I wish I could more easily launch myself into an autumnal mindset, but every year the pattern repeats: 90 degrees, ungodly humidity, no relief in sight until winter rolls around for the rest of the world and pumpkin flows into gingerbread and peppermint. Not that I don’t also love the latter two, but I do get to enjoy a good minty mocha in somewhat cool environs – never pumpkin with the sight of scarlet leaves.

A staunch lack of seasons turns me against Florida most (well, aside from other logistics, but I won’t get into those). I grew up here, I know its tirades and tempests. Doesn’t make endless summer any easier. The morning I created this creamer, I ignited a pumpkin bourbon candle and pretended to imagine the streaks of condensation pooling down the windows like sweat down a glassy cheek. Never gets easier, never inspires me to love rather than loathe.

Of course I know perfection is a falsehood. Every place is flawed with some extreme or another, and never would I feel at home in Tornado Alley. Each time I’ve visited a place with colder propensities, however, I’ve shivered more than with the temperature, but with glee, belonging, the ache of chill and invigoration both. People ask me, Well, have you DONE cold before? Yes, actually. I resided in Sweden for six months on exchange, and despite not shoveling snow or melting ice off windshields, I familiarized myself with how to dress for tumultuous weather and high winds and how to step through ice. I’ve visited Colorado and driven a bit through snow. I’m not versed fully in wintertime, but I can learn. I yearn for an expiration of my time in Florida. 26 years is enough.

Enough about me. Let’s drink coffee together. I used to fill my morning mugs with various storebought creamers, and though I would probably use them if the occasion warranted, I much prefer sloshing some oat milk into my brew nowadays. Seeing as September entered the stage and I’m in pretend-it’s-fall mode, I twisted some oat milk into a spicy, subtly sweet, not nearly as processed homemade version of pumpkin spice creamer. No fillers or oils, just a touch of maple syrup for interest, healthy pinches of warming spice to inspire the senses to daydream about a homemade pie. Pair that with the cozy aroma of brewed coffee, and the morning officially rocks. Tastes great in iced coffee, too, or whipped up into a froth to top a hot or chilled beverage. Save a barista – make pumpkin cream cold brew at home.


pumpkin pie coffee creamer
I wouldn't recommend almond milk for this recipe unless you regularly add almond milk to your coffee and are familiar with its taste/texture. I'd be curious to hear any experiences with other alternative milks!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Servings 16 tbsp


  • 1 cup oat milk, preferably full-fat
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 1/4 tsp ginger powder
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp allspice
  • 1/8 tsp clove
  • tiny pinch salt
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup,


  • In a bowl, whisk all ingredients together thoroughly. Transfer to a jar with an airtight lid and store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. Note that the 1/8 tsp measurements of the spices loosely translate to "a hefty pinch": all of those mentioned are very strong in flavor and don't need much to make a statement. I tend to go a bit heavier on the clove and as light as can be on the nutmeg since I'm not really a fan.
  • IMPORTANT: Components will separate as they sit in the fridge. No problem – simply shake the jar vigorously before pouring into your mug. I prefer adding creamer before the coffee, it combines much more nicely and doesn't require a spoon to stir.

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