(VIDEO) 15 minute invigorating morning yoga routine

One enlivening morning ritual I observe is flowing to the sound of the coffee maker whistling brew into the pot. The scene cannot be more serene, what with rippling light dancing through the kitchen window onto the tile and a hint of coolness from damp hair and dry temperatures circulating the house. J sleeps peacefully in the room adjacent. Mellow. Sweet and gentle. Adjectives for my perfect dawn.

Sometimes, particularly for us early risers, motivation to do more than grumble to the kitchen for breakfast remains under the covers, where we wish to be. 3:30 am wakeups, though, feel less alarming if I set time aside for a bit of movement. I am not one to leap out of bed and into the workday (though, I can leap out of bed and into my running shoes if I wish). That’s where yoga comes in, and this flow.

All postures in this video awaken the body’s systems, activate our musculature, and stimulate the mind. They are not power-style, so you shouldn’t feel overexerted. Rather, the sequence means to gather energy and carry it all throughout your body’s channels, so you may walk through the remainder of your day with a lighter step and brighter mood.

Textual cues follow the embedded video! To save filming time, I did not perform the whole duration of the holds I recommend – and you don’t need to, either! You are free to hold as long or as minimally as desired. Whatever supports your practice.

Crave some modifications for the balancing and standing postures? Check my IG stories this weekend for tips and tricks on how to nourish your body with similar but gentler variations.

1. Puppy Pose (1 minute)

Begin in Tabletop, on hands and knees. Shift the hands forward about one handprint, and towards the outside edges of the mat also about one handprint. Inhale, then exhale and melt the heartspace towards the floor. You may come to rest on either side of the face, or on the chin.

2. Cat Cow with Twist (1 minute)

From hands and knees, inhale and drop the belly, lift the chest and chin. Exhale to round the upper back and curl left shoulder and left hip towards one another, gaze falls over the left shoulder. Inhale to center, then exhale and repeat on the right.

3. Crescent Lunge Twist (:30/side)

From Tabletop, inhale to extend and lift the right leg, then exhale and round the upper back, knee comes to nose. Plant the right foot between the hands, shift the left foot slightly towards the back of the mat and lift left knee off the mat. Plant the left hand on the inside of the right foot, inhale to lift the right hand. To release, exhale to plant the right hand on the outside of the right foot, step the right foot to meet the left and lower back onto hands and knees. Repeat with left foot forward.

4. Reverse Warrior (:30/side)

From hands and knees, flow through Downward Dog: tuck the toes and lift the hips up and back. Spend time here if you wish to enjoy the posture. When ready to move, inhale to lift the right leg, exhale right knee to nose, plant the foot between the hands. Dial the left heel towards the mat (it may be parallel to the back of the mat or with toes pointing slightly away from the body), inhale and wind the arms to a “T” shape for Warrior 2. Inhale to flip the right palm up, exhale lower the left hand down the left thigh as the right hand pulls up and overhead. Left hand may rest on the hamstring, or bind around the hip with the back of the hand resting on the low back or the right hip. Invite as deep of a side bend as is feasible without losing balance. To release, inhale and straighten the spine, hands return to a T. Exhale to plant the hands around the right foot and step back into Downward Dog. Repeat with left foot forward.

5. Triangle (:30/side)

From Downward Dog, inhale to lift the right leg. Exhale knee comes to nose, plant the right foot between the hands. Dial the left heel down, windmill the hands to a “T” for Warrior 2. Inhale to straighten the right leg – maintain a small bend in the right knee – and exhale to hinge the hips, right hand drops down to the floor, ankle, shin, or upper thigh, left hand opens up. Gaze may follow the left fingers, remain neutral, or drop to the floor. To release, bend the right knee and press into the right foot, using the strength of the quadriceps to straighten the spine and return to Warrior 2. Exhale and plant the hands on either side of the right foot, and step back into Downward Dog. Repeat on left side.

6. Toppling Tree (:30/side)

Starting in Downward Dog, inhale and look towards the hands. Exhale and step the feet between the hands and lower into Forward Fold. Inhale to bend the knees and slowly rise to standing, head comes up last. Exhale at the top, then inhale to raise the arms overhead. On the exhale, shift your weight into the right foot and slowly lift the left leg until it hovers, straight, off the ground. Find a static point in the ground about 4-5 feet away to lock your gaze onto for balance. To release, use the core to lower the left foot back to the ground in a neutral standing posture. Repeat on left foot.

7. Tree (:30/side)

From standing, place hands at heart center. Shift the weight onto the right foot and find your most comfortable variation of tree. You may use the left toes as a “kickstand” and rest the arch of the left foot against the inside of the ankle. Second, you may rest the whole foot on the inside of the right calf. Third, you may press the left foot into the inside of the right quadricep, above the knee capsule. Hands may stay at heart center, or rise up and slightly outward to mimic branches. To release, step the left foot onto the floor beside the right. Repeat on left leg.

8. Seated Twist (:30/side)

From standing, lower hands to the floor and step back into Plank position. Lower to hands and knees, then sit on one hip (doesn’t matter which) and swing legs around the body and in front of you. Keep left leg long and plant the right foot on the outside of the left knee. Inhale to lengthen the spine, arms reach overhead, then exhale and bring the left elbow to right knee, right hand plants behind the body. To release, inhale to unravel the twist, arms reach overhead. Repeat on left side.

9. Boat (:30)

From seated, plant both feet flat in front of you. Inhale to lift feet off the mat. Shins may be parallel to the floor, or legs may straighten so the body makes something of a “V” shape. Hands may rest on the backs of the legs, or extend long in front of you parallel to the floor. To release, lower everything to the mat.

10. Bridge (3 reps)

From seated, slowly lower onto the back. Bring feet about a handprint from the glutes, hips width apart, extend hands towards heels on either side of the body. Inhale to lift the hips off the floor, press into the feet to engage the quadriceps more than the glutes. Exhale to lower. Repeat two more times.

11. Savasana

Find a comfortable lying position on the back: feet long, planted, or heels together in supine Butterfly. Hands may rest long beside the body, make a pillow behind the head, or lie atop the belly or chest. Close the eyes. Breathe normally.

Music: Lish Grooves / “Momentous” | The Whole Other / “The Missing Link | Wayne Jones / “A Quiet Thought” | TrackTribe / “Stasis”

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